Clonazepam (0.5 mg) and sertraline (50 mg) were also administrated once daily. However, such assertions have not been subject to empirical investigation with genetically informative data (see Skeem et al. Liu QX, Fang XY, Yan N, Zhou ZK, Yuan XJ, Lan J, Liu CY. Teachers were provided psychoeducation, which was delivered by means of workshops in didactic teaching, analysis and discussion, with the purpose of recognising and treating Internet addiction in students, and of supporting their parents. The research also indicated that if other (primary or secondary) disorders are present (specifically, OCD and ADHD), medication typically used to treat these disorders is also effective in reducing Internet addiction-related problems. Regarding psychological therapy for Internet addiction and problematic Internet use, ten studies were identified, most of which used a group therapy framework to support clients. La dernire modification de cette page a t faite le 22 aot 2022 03:53. Clinical interviews were explicitly mentioned in the reports of eight studies[32,50,62,93,106,109,164,204], and these consisted mostly of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV[64], a semi-structured interview for DSM-IV AxisIdiagnoses for mental disorders. *Correspondence to: Kerry J. Ressler, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Yerkes Research Center, Emory University, 954 Gatewood Dr, Atlanta, GA 30329 E-mail: Received 2010 Jun 9; Revised 2010 Aug 10; Accepted 2010 Aug 14. Data sharing statement: No additional data are available. The MTFS is an ongoing epidemiological-longitudinal study examining the genetic and environmental factors that contribute to the development of substance abuse and related psychopathology in reared together, same-sex twins and their parents. In: Mednick SA, Moffitt TE, Stack SA, editors. 2. Other types of notes for journal articles. To date, reviews have focused on clinical and treatment studies of Internet addiction and Internet Gaming Disorder, limiting the analysis to a specific diagnosis of a potential disorder that has not yet been officially recognised, rather than a comprehensive investigation of Internet-use related addictions (including problematic Internet use) more generally. (SCID-I/P). Lifetime heroin dependence was not significant in predicting current PTSD levels. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. A possible explanation for this strong and frequent link may be the fact that as Internet use increases, online activities take up gradually more time in the lives of Internet users. 2004. Il n'en est plus de mme quand, en psychologues, nous essayons de comprendre le fond qui conditionne tous les troubles dont je viens de parler et sont dj forts complexes de par leur nature. Group therapy has a number of advantages over individual therapy. Within this literature, some scholars have postulated that the disorder comprises distinct facets including interpersonal-affective traits (e.g. AD: Alcohol dependence; ADHD: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; AICA-C: Checklist for the assessment of internet and computer game addiction; AICA-S: Scale for the assessment of internet and computer game addiction; AUD: Alcohol use disorder; AUDIT-K: Korean version of alcohol use disorder identification test; BAI: Beck anxiety inventory; BDI: Beck depression inventory; BDI-II: Beck depression inventory II; BIS: Barratt impulsiveness scale; BIS-11: Barratts impulsivity scale-11; BSD: Bipolar spectrum disorders; BSQ: Body sensations questionnaire; CAARS:S: Conners adult ADHD rating scales self; CB: Compulsive buying; CBS: Compulsive buying scale; CBT: Cognitive behavioural therapy; CBT-IA: Cognitive-behavioural therapy for internet addiction; CDR: Centre for dependence rehabilitation; CDS-2: Cambridge depersonalization scale; C-FAI: Chinese family assessment instrument; CGI: Clinical global impression scale; CGI-I: Clinical global impressions-improvement scale; CIAS: Chen internet addiction scale; CIU: Compulsive internet use; CSEI: Coopersmiths self-esteem inventory; CT: Comprehensive therapy; DAPP: Dimensional assessment of personality pathology-short form; DC-IA-C: Diagnostic criteria of internet addiction for college students; DES: Dissociative experience scale; DSQ: Defense style questionnaire; EA: Electroacupuncture; EEG: Electroencephalogram; ED: Eating disorders; EDI-2: Eating disorder inventory 2; EDU: Education for internet use; EOP: Excessive online game play; EPI: Echo-planar image; ERP: Event-related potentials; GAD-7: Seven-item generalized anxiety disorder; GPIU: Generalised pathological internet use; GSE: General self-efficacy scale; HC: Healthy controls; IA: Internet addiction; IAD: Internet addiction disorder; IAG: Internet video game addicts; IAT: Internet addiction test; IC-IUD: Impulsive-compulsive internet usage disorder; IGD: Internet gaming disorder; IIP-D: Inventory of interpersonal problems; IRSQ: Interpersonal relationship styles questionnaire; ITC: Inferior temporal cortex; K-IAS: K-internet addiction scale; MDD: Major depressive disorder; MDQ: Mood disorder questionnaire; MET: Motivational enhancement therapy; MFGT: Mechanism of multi-family group therapy; MI: Motivational interviewing; MINI: Mini international neuropsychiatric interview; MMN: Mismatch negativity; MRI: Mental research institute; NC: Normal controls; NEO-FFI: NEO five factors inventory; NEO-PI-R: NEO personality inventory-revised; OCD: Obsessive compulsive disorder; OCS: Online cognitions scale; PA: Panic and agoraphobia scale; PCC: Posterior cingulate cortex; PD: Panic disorder; PG: Problematic gambling disorder; PHQ: Patient health questionnaire; PI: Psycho-intervention; POGP: Problematic online game play; QGU-B: Questionnaire on gaming urge-belief; ReHo: Regional homogeneity; SADQ: Severity of alcohol dependence questionnaire; SARP: Substance addiction recovery program; SCARED: Screen for child anxiety related emotional disorders; SCID: Structured clinical interview for DSM-IV; SCID-IV: Structured clinical interview for DSM-IV-patient version; SCL: Symptom checklist; SCL-90R: Symptom checklist 90-revised; SG: Survey group; SOC: Sense of coherence scale; STAXI-K: State-trait anger expression inventory; STG: Superior temporal gyrus; TG: Training group; YBOCS: Yale-brown obsessive compulsive severity scale; YIAS: Youngs internet addiction scale; YIAS-K: Young's internet addiction scale, korean version; ZKPQ: Zuckermann-kuhlman personality questionnaire. The addition of the family network into therapy sessions as evidenced in studies on multimodal school based groups[65], MFGT[119], family therapy[136], and a multi-level intervention model[149] appears particularly fruitful for young patients, as families are important social groups supporting the young patients development. The behavioural characteristics related to Internet addiction primarily concerned the individual, but also included their peer and family relationships, and were measured using the Chinese version of the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire[70], and the Parent-Child Communication Scale[122]. Davis RA. The most common approach used to treat Internet addiction was Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)[86,202]. In terms of psychopharmacotherapy, the five studies included in this systematic literature review showed that SSRIs (i.e., citalopram, clomipramine, fluvoxamine, sertraline, fluoxetine, escitalopram), norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitors (NDRI; i.e., buproprion), benzodiazepines (i.e., clonazepam), antipsychotic medication (i.e., quetiapine), and methylphenidate (i.e., concerta) were used to treat Internet addiction and Internet-use related problems. Most in early adolescence (aged 11-15 yr; Chinese Internet Addiction Scale (CIA-Goldberg), Slight positive changes in parenting attributes, Items for assessing beliefs and behaviours for using Internet: 7 items from Computer Use Survey[, Participants subjectively perceived the programme was helpful, 6 items from Internet Addiction-Related Perceptions and Attitudes Seale[, 2 items from IAD-Related Experience Scale[, To develop diagnostic criteria for IAD and to evaluate the validity of proposed diagnostic criteria for discriminating non-dependent from dependent Internet use in the general population. Following treatment, Internet addiction was significantly reduced in the CBT group and other measures showed improvement (e.g., anxiety and life satisfaction), while depression severity did not change. The clinical global impressions scale: applying a research tool in clinical practice. What is motivational interviewing? Psychopathy The patient was treated with a combination of selective serotonine reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) and antipsychotic medication. All additional past and present financial ties of the investigators are disclosed herein. Moreover, the heritability was moderate for Int and strong for Ext. Wlfling K, Beutel ME, Koch A, Dickenhorst U, Mller KW. 1998), Benning et al. They can also refer you to a mental health professional for help and treatment. To date, reviews have focused on clinical and treatment studies of Internet addiction and Internet Gaming Disorder. Universitt Graz In addition to this, clinically significant impairment had to be identified (i.e., functional and psychosocial impairment), and the problematic behaviour had to last a minimum of three months, with at least six hours of non-essential Internet use a day. Hare RD, Cox DN. ONE: The Psychopathology of Everyday Things 1 TWO: The Psychology of Everyday Actions 34 THREE: Knowledge in the Head and in the World 54 FOUR: Knowing What to Do 81 FIVE: To Err Is Human 105 six: The Design Challenge 141 SEVEN: User-Centered Design 187 Notes 219 Suggested Readings 237 References 241 Index 249 Both heterosexual behavior and homosexual behavior are normal aspects of human sexuality. The .gov means its official. (2014). Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders, Patient Version (SCID-P), version 2. Openness involves six facets, or dimensions: active imagination (fantasy), aesthetic sensitivity, attentiveness to inner feelings, preference for variety (adventurousness), intellectual curiosity, and challenging authority (psychological liberalism). Four main types of clinical research studies were identified, namely research involving (1) treatment seeker characteristics; (2) psychopharmacotherapy; (3) psychological therapy; and (4) combined treatment. Across all four quartiles, the cocaine-dependent group had significantly higher PSS scores than the non-dependent group (F = 13.50, P<.001). Beck AT, Ward CH, Mendelson M, Mock J, Erbaugh J. Alcohol and drug abuse-dependence disorders in psychopathic and nonpsychopathic criminal offenders. AA00175, AA09367, DA05147 and MH65137. In summary, we find that there are high rates of lifetime dependence on various substances in this high-risk population. in press). Wikipedia Study of relationship between Internet use attitudes and behaviors among college students. Finally, dissociation and depersonalisation were measured using the Dissociative Experiences Scale[34] and the Cambridge Depersonalization Scale[128]. The remaining sessions were optional and were administered as a follow-up within 3 mo. Many disorders have been described, with signs and symptoms that vary widely between specific disorders. Lin MP, Ko HC, Wu JY. The juvenile justice (detention, probation, youth corrections facilities, etc.) For more information about postpartum depression, call the OWH Helpline at 1-800-994-9662 or check out these resources from the following organizations: A federal government website managed by the Office on Women's Health in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Thus, MZ correlations will be roughly twice as large as the DZ correlations if the phenotype in question is primarily due to additive genetic contributions. Genetic and environmental factors in conduct problems and adult antisocial behavior among adult female twins. Psychopathology. Brophy CJ, Norvell NK, Kiluk DJ. Rollnick S, Allison J. Motivational interviewing. Twin correlations estimated from baseline models for univariate biometric models are presented in Table 1. 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