Consider enabling Logging in MSAL.js to help you diagnose and debug issues. I'll post a complete answer underneath shortly. I hope this helps others that tried doing what i did. My application was working just fine with msal-angular 1.1 but we have to migrate to the latest version and I need help to do the login redirect when user is not logged in. The minimum required configuration property is the clientID of your application, shown as the Application (client) ID on the Overview page of the app registration in the Azure portal. In certain cases when calling an API requiring Conditional Access, you can receive a claims challenge in the error from the API. 1. Exception messages are not localized. It's primarily based on the Bundle Identifier of your application to guarantee uniqueness. ClientAuthError: Error class, which denotes an issue with Client authentication. MsalServiceException is thrown when the Identity Provider (AAD) returns an error. When using the redirect flows, handleRedirectPromise should be run on every page load. Here is an example for a daemon application using the client credentials flow. [!INCLUDE Active directory error handling introduction] Error handling in MSAL.js MSAL.js provides error objects that abstract and classify the different types of common errors. The user-agent application is a form of public client application in which the client code is executed in a user-agent such as a web browser. The pattern for handling this error is to interactively acquire a token using MSAL. What do you mean exactly? MSAL.NET implements a simple retry-once mechanism for errors with HTTP error codes 500-600. If MsalUIRequiredException is thrown, it is an indication that an interactive flow needs to happen for the user to resolve the issue. Call AcquireTokenInteractively() without Prompt.None. AADSTS65001: The user or administrator has not consented to use the application with ID '{appId}' named '{appName}'. The pattern for handling this error is to interactively acquire a token using MSAL. Multiple instances of UserAgentApplication or PublicClientApplication aren't recommended as they cause conflicting cache entries and behavior in the browser. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. next step on music theory as a guitar player. For a list of error codes, see Azure AD Authentication and authorization error codes. So i've actually solved my own question. When processing exceptions and errors, you can use the exception type itself and the error code to distinguish between exceptions. Does a creature have to see to be affected by the Fear spell initially since it is an illusion? Description. PublicClientApplication | microsoft-authentication-libraries-for-js In the Azure portal, edit the manifest for your application and set, The library was unable to query the current Windows logged-in user or this user isn't AD or Azure AD joined (work-place joined users aren't supported). Can "it's down to him to fix the machine" and "it's up to him to fix the machine"? Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. I'll update my question to reflect the problem to full extend. The following section provides more details about error handling for your app. Before initializing an application, you first need to register it with the Azure portal, establishing a trust relationship between your application and the Microsoft identity platform. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. 'It was Ben that found it' v 'It was clear that Ben found it', Flipping the labels in a binary classification gives different model and results. Angular, Angular MsalGuard for Authentication and written own Guard for To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. rev2022.11.3.43005. MsalServiceException surfaces System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpResponseHeaders as a property namedHeaders. I have read about matchers in routes, but can it really be that i should make regex' for matching a common redirect route? You cant use displaycall feature in MSAL which helps silent login in ADAL. During the sign-in experience, you may encounter errors about consents, Conditional Access (MFA, Device Management, Location-based restrictions), token issuance and redemption, and user properties. Interactive Authentication was called with the parameter prompt=never, forcing MSAL to rely on browser cookies and not to display the browser. Your custom guard will handle redirecting users to the login page, while MsalGuard will handle processing redirects from Azure AD and registering users as signed in with . For authentication methods with redirect flows . This article gives an overview of the different types of errors and recommendations for handling common sign-in errors. Some help the user setting-up multi-factor authentication, or install Microsoft Authenticator on their device. Most of the time when AcquireTokenSilent fails, it is because the token cache doesn't have tokens matching your request. azure-docs/ at main - GitHub ServerError: Error class, represents the error strings sent by the authentication server. User consent is missing, or has been revoked. Send an interactive authorization request for this user and resource. Please ensure that this interaction has been completed before calling an interactive API. How can I find a lens locking screw if I have lost the original one? MSAL makes HTTP calls to the Azure AD service, and occasionally failures can occur. Initialize the MSAL 1.x authentication context by instantiating a UserAgentApplication with a configuration object. How can i extract files in the directory where they're located with the find command? It also provides logging support. Call AcquireTokenInteractively() to show a message that explains the condition. This error is thrown by acquireTokenSilent if the user is required to interact with the server to provide credentials or consent for authentication/authorization. From what i've been able to understand, the correct way of handling the login, is simply to apply a canActivate: [MsalGuard] on the specific route, and let the guard handle the redirect to the login screen, and when you come back, it'll redirect to the specified path without the hash. Are there small citation mistakes in published papers and how serious are they? Wrapper Library. I hope this helps others that tried doing what i did. Why can we add/substract/cross out chemical equations for Hess law? you need to go through a multi-factor authentication experience. For instance if the Conditional Access policy is to have a managed device (Intune) the error will be something like AADSTS53000: Your device is required to be managed to access this resource or something similar. Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. The reason for thinking it was a route mismatch was, i got redirected to login page again, after the initial redirect to /account. The pattern for handling this error is to interactively acquire a token using MSAL. The supported values are part of the UiRequiredExceptionClassification enum: When getting tokens silently, your application may receive errors when a Conditional Access claims challenge such as MFA policy is required by an API you're trying to access. This library says to call handleRedirectPromise in order to handle the code that is returned in the hash however handleRedirectPromise is not called again since the document is not loaded again in safari. You can also have a look at the fields of MsalClientException, MsalServiceException, and MsalUIRequiredException. This function redirects the page, so any code that follows this function will not execute. Best way to get consistent results when baking a purposely underbaked mud cake. How often are they spotted? However, after they have been signed in it seems like it is trying to reroute again and I get: interaction_in_progress: Interaction is currently in progress. It executes after second LoginRedirect call(Though, this second login attempt will not ask for credentials, but it does the refreshing of page. [Safari] handleRedirectPromise not called if login request url is the You're expected to implement your own retry policies when calling MSAL. This article gives an overview of the different types of errors and recommendations for handling common sign-in errors. Calling application may choose to hide flows that result in message_only if the user is unlikely to benefit from the message. For example the network can go down or the server is overloaded. A GUID that uniquely identifies your application within the Microsoft identity platform. It was an error on my part, i manually called msalService.loginredirect() in my component oninit, and when i got redirected back to my page, it would automatically call oninit again, and cause an infinite sequence of logging in. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. 2022 Moderator Election Q&A Question Collection, Cannot get access token in React app accessing protected .NET Core API with Azure B2C, BrowserAuthError: interaction_in_progress: Interaction is currently in progress with azure/msal-browser@2.11.2. | Nuxt with MSAL Popup auth Can an autistic person with difficulty making eye contact survive in the workplace? However, after I sign in the tokenResponse comes back as null. Here are the common exceptions that might be thrown and some possible mitigations: One of common status codes returned from MSAL.NET when calling AcquireTokenSilent() is MsalError.InvalidGrantError. import { Configuration, RedirectRequest } from '@azure/msal-browser'; // Config object to be passed to Msal on creation export const msalConfig: Configuration = { auth: { clientId: '<client_id>', authority . Defined in msal-browser/src/app/ClientApplication.ts:256 Use when you want to obtain an access_token for your API by redirecting the user's browser window to the authorization endpoint. Is there a trick for softening butter quickly? how to use loginRedirect with msal 2.0 #3749 - GitHub If a user was created in Azure AD without AD backing ("managed" user), this method will fail. It would flash /account#id_token=xxxx then redirect to login page again. When processing .NET exceptions, you can use the exception type itself and the ErrorCode member to distinguish between exceptions. This has failed. How can i extract files in the directory where they're located with the find command? While we recommend MsalRedirectComponent as the best approach, both approaches are detailed below. Stack Overflow - Where Developers Learn, Share, & Build Careers When the Service Token Server (STS) is overloaded with too many requests, it returns HTTP error 429 with a hint about how long until you can try again in the Retry-After response field. I'm trying to adapt the sample project for my needs. For instance if the Conditional Access policy is to have a managed device (Intune) the error will be something like AADSTS53000: Your device is required to be managed to access this resource or something similar. Here i've specified the route as such: Which is fine, except the redirect url from AAD navigates to http://localhost:4200/account#id_token=xxxxx and for the life of me, i cannot get rid of the hashbang and id_token. This would invoke the same msalService.loginRedirect() from the ngOnInit method, and thereby never get to the actual redirect. MSAL.js provides error objects that abstract and classify the different types of common errors. Handle errors and exceptions in MSAL.NET - Microsoft Entra Redirect onLoad only if not authenticated with @azure/msal-react I tried to solve this problem with following approach. To learn more about the client application types and application configuration options, see Public and confidential client apps in MSAL. In certain cases when calling an API requiring Conditional Access, you can receive a claims challenge in the error from the API. I would expect the id_token=xxxx to be a query param like so: which would make my route match, but it doesn't, and therefore the route becomes invalid. It does this whether or not there is the !isAuthenticated conditional. Stack Overflow for Teams is moving to its own domain! angular - MSAL Redirects with hash in url - Stack Overflow When the redirect to microsoft's page occured, i would login, and afterwards get sent back to my application. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. I have step 1. working as expected. Multiplication table with plenty of comments, Earliest sci-fi film or program where an actor plays themself. MSAL.js v2 (@azure/msal-browser) Core Library Version. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Loop 1 Navigate to app User not authenticated Handle redirect start Handle redirect promise called but there is no interaction in progress, returning null Handle redirect end Login start null authentication result received Loop 2 Navigate to app User not authenticated Handle redirect start Loop 3 Navigate to app User not authenticated You can adapt this to any of the methods for acquiring a token. I set up my configuration, created the msal object, defined the redirect promise, then later call loginRedirect with the appropriate user scopes. To redirect users to a custom login page and properly handle responses from Azure AD with the minimal amount of code, you need to use both your custom guard and the MsalGuard. This article describes initializing the Microsoft Authentication Library for JavaScript (MSAL.js) with an instance of a user-agent application. ClientConfigurationError: Error class, extends ClientAuthError thrown before requests are made when the given user config parameters are malformed or missing. How many characters/pages could WordStar hold on a typical CP/M machine? Is it considered harrassment in the US to call a black man the N-word? This prompts the user and gives them the opportunity to satisfy the required Conditional Access policy. The mistake i made was calling msalService.loginredirect() manually from within ngOnInit(). A better solution is to put an MsalAuthenticationTemplate in the Router in App.jsx like so: This has the effect of causing a redirect to sign-in page when trying to access any route within the MsalAuthenticationTemplate. Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. The MSAL.js 2.x code sample on GitHub demonstrates instantiation of a PublicClientApplication with a Configuration object: More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, Public and confidential client apps in MSAL. By extending the error class, you have access to the following properties: AuthError: Base error class for the MSAL.js library, also used for unexpected errors. For authentication methods with redirect flows (loginRedirect and acquireTokenRedirect) in MSAL.js 1.2.x or earlier, you must explicitly register a callback for success or error through the handleRedirectCallback() method. Error object Should we burninate the [variations] tag? How can I retrieve a token from msal-react on initial callback? Is there something like Retr0bright but already made and trustworthy? The error message has more details. The interaction aims at having the user do an action. This prompts the user and gives them the opportunity to satisfy the required Conditional Access policy. Ok, I was able to sort this out with some help: You can use simply MsalAuthenticationTemplate component instead of AuthenticatedTemplate/UnauthenticatedTemplate: As per @cjones solution I tried several approaches tweaking the solution a bit to get a better version suitable for me and posting the same here. How to distinguish it-cleft and extraposition? By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Is there a way to make trades similar/identical to a university endowment manager to copy them? MsalRedirectComponent: A dedicated handleRedirectObservable component When the migration is complete, you will access your Teams at, and they will no longer appear in the left sidebar on In the case described, you can use the RetryAfterproperty (of type RetryConditionHeaderValue) and compute when to retry. When getting tokens silently (using acquireTokenSilent) using MSAL.js, your application may receive errors when a Conditional Access claims challenge such as MFA policy is required by an API you're trying to access. Mitigation 1: on UWP, check that the application has the following capabilities: Enterprise Authentication, Private Networks (Client and Server), User Account Information. Can handleRedirectPromise be documented better with Examples - GitHub For more visit: Consider enabling Logging in MSAL.NET to help you diagnose and debug issues. The usage of the useIsAuthenticated comes from this documentation and appears to evaluate to false even if the user is logged in already. Use redirect URIs with MSAL (iOS/macOS) - Microsoft Entra In confidential client apps, web apps should redirect the user to the authorization page, and web APIs should return an HTTP status code and header indicative of the authentication failure (401 Unauthorized and a WWW-Authenticate header). More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, Azure AD Authentication and authorization error codes, Authentication and authorization error codes, AADSTS53000: Your device is required to be managed to access this resource. In C, why limit || and && to evaluate to booleans? Call AcquireTokenInteractively() to show a message that explains the remedial action. How many characters/pages could WordStar hold on a typical CP/M machine? I set up a helper function to be called on the sign in process page, which basically handles a redirect promise (if available), fetches the user accounts and makes a silent token request. Specify Directory (tenant) ID if you're building a line-of-business application solely for your organization, often referred to as a. The minimum required configuration property is the clientID of your application, shown as the Application (client) ID on the Overview page of the app registration in the Azure portal. Can "it's down to him to fix the machine" and "it's up to him to fix the machine"? To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Handle errors and exceptions in MSAL.js - Microsoft Entra ErrorCode values are constants of type MsalError. These may be errors such as invalid request formats or parameters, or any other errors that prevent the server from authenticating or authorizing the user. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. When processing exceptions and errors, you can use the exception type itself and the error code to distinguish between exceptions. To handle the claim challenge, you'll need to use the .WithClaim() method of the PublicClientApplicationBuilder class. In this case, you can pass the claims in the acquire token call so that the user is prompted to satisfy the appropriate policy. Should we burninate the [variations] tag? Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, This actually dint work for me fully, this code is calling LoginRedirect call twice. Initialize the MSAL.js authentication context by instantiating a PublicClientApplication with a Configuration object. Registering the callback is optional in MSAL.js version 1.3.x and later. Calling application may choose to hide flows that require additional_action if the user is unlikely to complete the remedial action. If you aren't using .NET Core (which doesn't have any Web UI), call (once only), There is no mitigation. I did not think this was relavant to my problem at the time. MSAL.js Github Wiki README file Other (please fill in) Documentation does not exist When library is imported this code ran, this would cause a redirect (we are using redirects not popups) We exported 3 functions, the important one was getToken () which looked something like this: // (uses loginRedirect) It is a translation of the server error. In this case, you can pass the claims in the acquire token call so that the user is prompted to satisfy the appropriate policy. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Where <scheme> is a unique string that identifies your app. Use to get the post logout redirect uri configured in MSAL or null. The apps have a wrapper PCAWrapper(B2C) for MSAL client. More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, Azure AD Authentication and authorization error codes, AADSTS53000: Your device is required to be managed to access this resource. You can use additional information from the error code to improve the reliability of your applications. Hence if I write some API call after login that is being cancelled first time executed after second login, Redirect onLoad only if not authenticated with @azure/msal-react, Making location easier for developers with new data primitives, Stop requiring only one assertion per unit test: Multiple assertions are fine, Mobile app infrastructure being decommissioned. Exceptions in Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) are intended for app developers to troubleshoot, not for displaying to end users. AcquireTokenInteractively() will return UserCanceled error after the user reads the message and closes the window. Call AcquireTokenInteractively() so that user can reset their password. Mitigation: Use interactive authentication. No further details are provided. MsalUIRequiredException is type of MsalServiceException and indicates that user interaction is required, for example because MFA is required or because the user has changed their password and a token cannot be acquired silently. The MSAL redirect URI must be in the form <scheme>://host. If you have any API calls to be made after authentication success, that would get cancelled first because of the second call for LoginRedirect. For example to tell the user that their password expired or that they'll need to provide consent to use some resources. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Mitigation 2: Implement your own logic to fetch the username (for example, and use the, integrated_windows_auth_not_supported_managed_user. When calling an API requiring Conditional Access, you can receive a claims challenge in the error from the API. UserAgentApplication | microsoft-authentication-libraries-for-js I can elaborate more on my solution if anyone finds this confusing. For example the network can go down or the server is overloaded. You're expected to implement your own retry policies when calling MSAL. The following section provides more details about error handling for your app. Checks if navigateToLoginRequestUrl is set, and: if true, performs logic to cache and navigate; if false, handles hash string and parses response Condition can be resolved by additional remedial interaction with the system, outside of the interactive authentication flow. This flow can also fail for various reasons, for example if a tenant admin configures more stringent login policies. It separates the UI code cleanly from UI by wrapping MSAL related error handling, constants, and other parameters. Condition can't be resolved at this time. Calculate paired t test from means and standard deviations, Horror story: only people who smoke could see some monsters. For example, if your app's Bundle ID is com.contoso.myapp, your redirect URI would be in the form: This prompts the user and gives them the opportunity to satisfy the required Conditional Access policy. In this case, you can pass the claims returned in the error to the claimsRequest field of the AuthenticationParameters.ts class to satisfy the appropriate policy. Condition can be resolved by user interaction during the interactive authentication flow. I have tried altering the authority and scopes, but it always comes back as null. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Is a planet-sized magnet a good interstellar weapon? Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Call AcquireTokenInteractively() for user to give consent. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. I don't see any option in the interface to remove this hashbang nor in the library. handleRedirectPromise is returning a null token response #2420 - GitHub Initialize MSAL.js client apps - Microsoft Entra After sign-out, Azure AD redirects back to the page that invoked logout by default. It also provides an interface to access specific details of the errors such as error messages to handle them appropriately. For error handling in authentication flows with redirect methods (loginRedirect, acquireTokenRedirect), you'll need to register the callback, which is called with success or failure after the redirect using handleRedirectCallback() method as follows: The methods for pop-up experience (loginPopup, acquireTokenPopup) return promises, so you can use the promise pattern (.then and .catch) to handle them as shown: An error is returned when you attempt to use a non-interactive method of acquiring a token such as acquireTokenSilent, but MSAL couldn't do it silently. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! I've initialized the library with my client id as prescribed in the readme for the project, and i can login just fine. Redirect to a custom login page when securing your Angular app with MSAL Actually i've solved the "problem". If MsalServiceException is thrown, try Authentication and authorization error codes to see if the code is listed there. 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