Recasting them like its a movie or TV role. Royal Rumble (1997) | For Extreme Wiki | Fandom Hector Garza, Perro Aguayo, and Canek defeated Jerry Estrada, Fuerza Guerrera, and Heavy Metal. Things were starting to get a little more edgy and it showed when Bret Hart got in Vince McMahons face following the Rumble. Fake Razor and Diesel, and The Sultan are dead weight. When Nash came back for that CM Punk thing, I really wanted a Diesel vs. Owen Hart is #13 and hes right after Austin. Austin had established himself with the Austin 3:16 speech after defeating Jake Roberts at the King of the Ring the previous summer. The WWF's attempt to rekindle the. And then he comes off the top and misses an elbow anyway. Given his rare ability to bridge the gap between the dying old WWF and the hard-charging era that was in its infancy, it would have been poetic justice for Undertaker to win the 1997 Rumble. In this case, he's playing Fake Diesel. It took place on January 19, 1997, from the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas. The old guy never could stay in a major promotion for long, but his fingerprints were on everything that WWF did through the mid-00's. He lost the match, teamed up with Mankind for a while, and soon was out of the promotion. Terms at The attendance of 60,525 is the highest recorded in the Royal Rumble's history. Hey, this is boring as shit, lets take a paragraph break. Royal Rumble (1997) : definition of Royal Rumble (1997) and - sensagent Got to love how the fans just didnt care. WWE Network Maivia dropped the Curtis Axel-like moniker for The Rock; Rocky Maivia was never playing guitar or asking people to smell what he was cooking. By Cain A. Knight Jan 23, 2016, 12:00pm EST The 1997 Royal Rumble match lasted 50 minutes and 30 seconds (50m 30s). Fake Diesel match. And its how every single of one these guys were used that made the end of this match so perfect. So finally Goldust gets all fired up and makes a comeback after Hunter was in control for like 30 seconds, and he goes up, but gets crotched. The Royal Rumble match is a 30 man over the top rope battle royal, and it's every man for himself. Didn't. 2. There's some Mexican presence to pad things out in Pierroth, Mil Mascaras, Cibernetico, and Latin Lover. Bret Hart came out next, and after a 20-second appearance by ringside commentator Jerry Lawler, the match finally took off. Bulldog stomps a mudhole in Austin. WWE Royal Rumble Look Back: Stone Cold Steve Austin's controversial It was also the last Royal Rumble for Bret Hart and the first Royal Rumble for a kid named Rocky Maivia. Throughly enjoyed . This was the environment in which Vince McMahon, then still a neutral commentator, put on the Rumble. . Just legitimately absolutely no reaction. The real Nash and Hall had already formed the nWo with Hogan over in WCW and in fact on the hard cam of this show you can see multiple nWo signs held up by fans. The dead-man then goes out to . For one, without even knowing it, we saw the first encounter between Stone Cold and The Rock, which would turn out to be one of the biggest rivalries in the history of WWE. Bart with a sloppy fameasser and he charges like a moron and Steve clotheslines him out at 7:15. Vince, as always, would like to remind us that Vader can mix it up with the best of them when it comes to fisticuffs. Royal Rumble 1995 - Bret Hart vs Diesel (WWF Championship) Wrestling Eternity. Diesel silytti mestaruuden. Odds & lines subject to change. Bret Hart is #21 and Austins double-take is also awesome. On the January 4th, 1997 edition of RAW, Kwan surprisingly defeated Kwang to win the Papa Johns Championship. Meanwhile, Terry Funk is ready for the Rumble. Four minutes later, he tossed hog farmer Henry Godwinn over the top rope, leaving eight wrestlers in the ring. The drawing is totally random! Back to the floor and Goldust clips him while Hunters supposed bodyguard just stands there. Royal Rumble: Stone Cold Steve Austin's 1997 win is still revered by And then Taker boots Mankind out at 49:31. 28:20. This match featured Stone Cold Steve Austin dominating the field and then cheating his way to a victory by screwing Bret Hart. The attendance was 60,712 people and took place from the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas. Sid and Taker went on to headline WrestleMania 13 for the title, but I think anyone thats ever watched will tell you that the main event of the evening belonged to Bret Hart and Stone Cold Steve Austin, who put on a phenomenal show in a Submission Match that saw the best double turn in the history of wrestling. . He was declared winner of the 1997 Royal Rumble and given a title shot at Wrestlemania XIII. Austin cleared the ring again 20 minutes later. The main match on the undercard was champion Duke "The Dumpster" Droese defending his WWF Title against Diesel. Only Undertaker was able to bring nuance to his Saturday morning cartoon persona and make it work in the new WWF. Every NFL team Taylor Swift is snubbing on her Eras stadium tour. * The . REVIEW: Royal Rumble 1997: That's A Lot Of Talent Love was then placed in a match against Kwang on the January 11th edition of RAW, with Love emerging victorious. The 1997 Royal Rumble was the tenth annual Royal Rumble professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event produced by the World Wrestling Federation (WWF, now WWE). So lets get into this a little bit. All credit to Shawn for gutting that one out, but this may have been his worst PPV main event ever. The men in this match who became important had to reinvent themselves before finding stardom. Right?! The pre-match video is pretty hilarious, with the announcer noting that Shawn received criticism early in his career for being cocky and flamboyant. Just click and all I hear is Ahmed is so thicc Damn Vince. 'Taker knocks Vader down and does the same to Mankind and Steve Austin. Johnson later returned to stalk NOD leader Farooq, leading the former Ron Simmons to also eliminate himself from the match (Mil Mascaras, one of the Mexican stars in the Rumble, also eliminated himself by jumping from the top turnbuckle to splash the recently-eliminated Pierroth outside the ring. Plus the match sucking already is killing it, but at least the countdown timer gets the fans into it automatically. Much wrestling took place outside the ring in this powerwrestling match. he challeged Austin on WWF Shotgun Saturday Night the day before the Rumble, participated in the Era's most legendary single moment. AS WE READY OURSELVES FOR THE 1997 ROYAL RUMBLE WHICH DEFINITELY HAS TO BE BETTER THAN THE LAST TWO DOESN'T IT I MEAN COME ON one's thoughts turn to what Derrida called "archive fever" because this is thousands of words at this point man and there are still an awful lot of Royal Rumbles to go although holy cow this is the tenth one! But even after both men were eliminated, their battle continued out on the floor and would become the most important part of the match. The Undertaker, Vader, Bret Hart and Diesel were among the 30 men who fought Stone Cold Steve Austin at the Royal Rumble 1997. Their story, in order of their finish. The Main Event before the Royal Rumble, Man Mountain Rock faced Owen Hart in an IC Title match, however the match went to no contest due to Mo laying out Rock. Royal Rumble (1997) oli kymmenes vuosittainen Royal Rumble showpaini pay-per-view tapahtuma, mink tuotti World Wrestling Federation (WWF). Fake Razor and Fake Diesel make their 1997 Royal Rumble - reddit However, none of them could surpass the 'Texas Rattle Snake'. The feud between Sycho Sid and Shawn Michaels dated back to 1995. Seventeen years ago, eight men stood in the ring at the end of the Royal Rumble. By choosing I Accept, you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies. Moron. All advice, including picks and predictions, is based on individual commentators opinions and not that of Minute Media or its related brands. Frankly, Im shocked this one won the poll. It tells you how sick that Shawn must have been that he wasnt able to pull out a classic in a hometown World title victory during the prime of his career. In truth, it was a waste of a Rumble spot and something that was also a complete waste of time. The Rumble was decent at times, but the rest of this show was boring and filled with screwjob finishes and bad wrestling. He would later "host" Wrestlemania and interfere in one of the worst main events ever, setting up a "Once in a Lifetime" match with John Cena that somehow occurred twice. that's the mayor of Knox County you're talking about! The match was made by Sgt. Mo accepted the offer and ended up going to a double countout with Rock. The night after the Screwjob, Raw had its highest rating in 18 months (except for one week where Nitro did not air). The feud for the Papa Johns Championship was between Yoshi Kwan, the Mighty Kwang, and Dude Love. Laying on the mat, he motioned for more competition. Phineas dumps Crush at 6:15, but Austin stuns him and tosses him at 6:30 in turn to clear the ring. For more information and the full rules list, please see this thread. WWE was still somewhat stuck in the 80s with some outlandish characters and personas, and I really think this was a night that helped them break away from that. Not only that, but it turned out later that they announced the number slightly LOW, about a 100 people shy of the real one. Hunter grabs the belt while Hughes distracts the ref, but Goldust uses it for two. Austin and Vader get choke-slammed. . As you might expect, the opening video is all about Shawn because it's 1997. 53:52. Movies. How did The Undertaker not know he was fighting his own brother when getting it on with Diesel? Austin wants some COMPETITION and checks his fake watch, and finally the clock is working. They had an impressive pyro display to start the show in the Alamadome, which is where the NBA's San Antonio Spurs played basketball in this era. The entire tenor of the program had changed, and would remain that way for nearly a decade as WWF surpassed, then strangled, then bought out WCW. Back in the ring, Goldust hits a clothesline out of the corner for two, but Hunter dumps him as even the announcers acknowledge that this match is taking forever to get out of the blocks. It took place on January 19, 1997, from the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas. HHH vs Goldust was not a bad match. Cody Rhodes on Twitter: I didnt leave because of the Austin Creed realizes the answer right as he starts Carmella shares that she suffered a miscarriage in Unintentionally pulled off the coolest thing Ive ever Press J to jump to the feed. Back in, Faarooq goes to work on the kidneys, the perfect strategy to excite a stadium full of casual fans buying $5 tickets at Taco Bell. . Mankind and Funk slug it out on the ropes and Mankind suplexes Funk out at 49:22. Taker vs Vader wasn't good as I expected. It didn't always work -- the Corporate Ministry was confusing, and some of the Paul Bearer stuff was just weird for weirdness' sake -- but he remained more or less true to the idea of his persona. Savio Vega is #19 as were hitting a good pace now and hes all over Austin and catapults him into the corner, showing good fire. PPV REVIEW: WWF Royal Rumble 1997 - Retro Pro Wrestling Royal Rumble (1997) was the tenth annual Royal Rumble professional wrestling pay-per-view event produced by the World Wrestling Federation (WWF). Undertaker wastes time going after him and Vader attacks. Vader defeated The Undertaker. Hello! With the event in San Antonio, McMahon attempted to cash in on Mexican stars -- both dark matches, the "Free for All" match broadcast to bring in pay-per-view subscribers, and the night's top tag team match all featured stars from Mexican promotions, and four Mexican wrestling stars appeared in the Rumble itself -- and the popularity of San Antonio resident Shawn Michaels. So that was fun. Vader Involved in Car Crash: Latest Details, Reaction on Former WWE Superstar, WWE Week in Review: Inaugural UK Champion crowned, Mickie James returns, Did WWE pull Seth Rollins' Kenny Omega Royal Rumble comment? The 1997 Royal Rumble was the 10th annual Royal Rumble show produced by the World Wrestling Federation. Love and Warrior got in each others faces but were seperated by host the Mighty Kwang. Tacko Fall is playing like Shaq in the Chinese League and the highlights are must-see, Josh Allen believes in Zach Wilson, even if Jets fans dont right now, Zach Wilson is struggling, but Josh Allen sees better days ahead, The Spurs allegedly ignored Josh Primos sexual misconduct repeatedly before waiving him. Royal Rumble 1997 Dumbest Ass Award: Mil Mascaras Please also read our Privacy Notice and Terms of Use, which became effective December 20, 2019. The crowd is immediately DEAD silent. Stone Cold entered the Rumble fifth, cleared the ring almost immediately, did push-ups in the middle of the ring, and telegraphed to viewers that he was The Guy Who Was Going Long this year. Goldust works on the knee in the ring and gets the figure-four as this thing drags on. They have the match on Youtube for free. Fake Diesel looks like Kevin Nash if he had to get reconstructive surgery after breaking his face in a high speed 18 wheeler crash. Verified Purchase. They brawl until Fake Razor Ramon is No. Faarooq goes to a rear chinlock, but Ahmed escapes with an electric chair and powerslams him to make the comeback. Bret had turned his back to deal with Diesel so he didnt even see it. Austin had solidified himself as a top star in about 45 minutes and for the first time put himself in the title picture. The Diesel in the 1997 Rumble was a barely-reasonable facsimilie of Kevin Nash, who had become a huge star as a founding member of The Outsiders in WCW. Goldust drops him kneefirst on the stairs, but finally Hunter fights back on his own while his useless so-called bodyguard just stands there. PIG is #4 and he beats on Crush with nothing going on, until Steve Austin is #5. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. 1996-01-21 WWF Royal Rumble - WWF World Heavyweight Title - Bret Hitman Hart VS The Undertaker. Bart Gunn also had a short night as he only lasted in the ring for 26 seconds. Latin Lover is #17 with more lucha filler. Of course, the Hell in a Cell spot was Terry Funk's idea. Finally, the blowoff, although months too late. By the next year's Royal Rumble, Austin had won and lost the Intercontinental Championship. . 1994: 1993 was the end of the Hulkamania Era and a start of a New Era, the New Generation. On June 10, 1996, WWF Monday Night Raw had eked out a miniscule ratings win over WCW Monday Nitro, but the WWF's top program had not been within shouting distance of its competition ever since. Marc Mero is #16 and two of the Mexicans are eliminated by Mascaras at 21:50, and he dives on them to eliminate himself at 22:00. The field included the likes of Mr. 36:45. Diesel reacted by jackknife powerbombing Paul Heyman the RAW before the Royal Rumble. Answer: Jerry "The King" Lawler Lawler who entered the ring at number twenty, lasted only 4 seconds before being eliminated by Bret Hart. Vintage Best And Worst: WWF Royal Rumble 1997 Watched the 1997 Royal Rumble last night and seeing a fake Razor Ramon Royal Rumble | Pro Wrestling | Fandom Kane actually looked better than Nash did as diesel. Fake Diesel and Razor Ramon (yes, he was there too for about 17 seconds) aside, the 1997 Royal Rumble match was pretty entertaining and certainly helped boost the star power of a man who would go .
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